About Us

The West Yellowhead Family Resource Network (WYFRN) is one of many Family Resource Networks (FRNs) across Alberta.

Provincial FRNs deliver high quality prevention and early intervention services and supports for children aged 0 to 18.

Networks provide a range of services and supports that focus on strengthening parenting and caregiving knowledge, social support, coping and problem-solving skills, access to community supports and resources, improving child and youth development, building resiliency and fostering well-being.

Through a ‘hub and spoke’ model of service delivery, networks hubs coordinate the prevention and early intervention services in all geographic areas and in various cultural communities across the province – either directly or through collaborative partnerships with qualified service agencies or providers (spokes). For a list of FRNs, visit the provincial website.

The WYFRN provides prevention and early intervention programs and support services in the communities of Jasper, Hinton, Edson, Grande Cache, Yellowhead County and the Municipal District of Greenview.